Health Trawell champions the transformative power of Ayurveda and its proven healing abilities. Despite its 5000-year history, Ayurveda remains relatively unknown outside of India. Health Trawell believes this underutilization of ancient knowledge could greatly benefit humanity. Therefore, Health Trawell is dedicated to bringing Ayurveda to a global audience. Why endure suffering when Ayurveda offers non-invasive healing? Send us your medical reports, and we will provide advice on how Ayurveda can best treat your ailments, with the assurance of being completely free from side effects.
Ayurveda, a gift from India to the world, has been practiced for over 5000 years and is arguably the oldest healthcare system in existence. Known as the science of life and longevity, Ayurveda provides comprehensive guidelines for the physical, mental, and spiritual well-being of humanity.
Kashaya Chikitsa, which involves treatments using herbal extract concoctions, has become the standardized protocol for Ayurvedic treatments in Kerala. These kashayams have been scientifically classified and organized according to specific treatment requirements.
Ayurvedic medicines are prepared with great care, and importantly most of the constituents that goes into its preparation are obtained directly from nature. This is the sole reason for Ayurvedic medicines not having any side effects, whatsoever. Ayurvedic medicines are prepared after having an understanding of the ‘constitution’ or ‘prakruthi’ of a person, together with giving due importance to the therapeutic effect that is required.
Medicated oils are prepared by following the process stipulated in Ayurveda and are used for both external and internal administrations for the treatment of various disorders. ‘Taila pak vidhi’ provides detailed description of such processes. Medicated oils are prepared by prolonged cooking of sesame oil with pasty mass of herbs and decoction of herbs in presence of large quantity of water. Medicated oils have principally three components namely, drava or qwatha (a liquid which may be aqueous decoction of one or more herbs, or juice of herbs or milk), kalka (a fine paste of herbs), and sneha dravya (a vegetable oil).Normally crude sesame oil is used as sneha dravya, though occasionally castor oil and coconut oil is also used either in parts or in full.
Abhyanga – the ayurvedic oil massage has numerous benefits. Ayurveda texts mentions that a daily full body oil massage is nourishing; it pacifies the doshas; relieves fatigue, provides stamina, pleasure, and perfect sleep; enhances the complexion and the luster of skin; promotes longevity; and nourishes all parts of the body. Researchers believe massage supports healing, boosts energy, reduces recovery time after an injury, eases pain, and enhances relaxation, mood, and well being.
It is useful for many musculoskeletal problems, such as low back pain, osteoarthritis, fibromyalgia, and sprains and strains. Massage is known to melt away stress and enhance mental alertness. Studies have revealed that deep tissue massage reduced blood pressure levels (an average reduction of 10.4 mm Hg in systolic pressure and a diastolic pressure reduction of 5.3 mm Hg). Massage has had immediate beneficial effects on pain and mood among patients with advanced cancer.
Boluses packed with medications in the form of herbal leaves, herbal extracts, and herbal powders are used, along with a combination of medicated oils to gently pound the body. ‘Kizhi’ as it is popularly known has a great healing effect on the body. You have to experience it to know more about it!
Medical Tourism Agencies is one of the most emerging and developing areas in the healthcare industry all across the world. The term refers to a category of people who are traveling around the world for medical treatment of various illnesses to obtain the best services from the best doctors. There are a number of reasons and factor affecting the decision of travelling to a foreign country for medical services, which includes cheaper facility, better care, improved services, or even a home country for immigrants.
With the help of a medical tourism facilitator, patients can get direct access to their doctors from abroad and get health assistance at the earliest. It is one of the most trending and helpful medical facilities spreading all across the globe and has helped thousands of people all around the world. There are different organizations that are providing care as medical tourism facilitators and run with the help of an expert team.
Medical tourism is a compiled place where patients as well as healthcare providers can provide all the details and procure the best options available for them.This includes discretionary procedure related costs, quicker access to medical procedures, better availability of resources and cheaper treatment etc.
India has recently become a favorite for patients seeking world class medical facilities at affordable prices in the best hospitals in India. Medical tourism companies in India is a multi – billion industry promoted by government as well as healthcare industry. Patients from different countries travel to India for different reasons and one of them is availability of best doctors in India. Since United states is fairly priced and medical treatments are costly approximately 5-10 times than India, patients from United States travel due to financial reasons while people from gulf and Bangladesh travel to India in search of better medical treatments as compared to their countries.
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